Make any trip a safer trip with EasyGrab's CLEAN HANDS gloves
Heading outside for groceries can become a difficult task when you think about how many high-risk surfaces you have to touch and how much hand sanitiser you have left (if any!).
Here's a simple scenario. You head to the local shopping centre. Within your journey from home to the shops and home again, here is a short list of the high traffic, common surfaces you could touch. Any one of these could result in you inadvertently picking up the coronavirus (and remember, you have to touch a lot of these more than once per trip!):
- The button on the car park ticket machine as you drive in.
- The hand rail of the escalator
- The shopping centre touch screen directory
- The ATM
- The public bathroom door
- The trolley or basket handle
- Items within the shops that others have touched and put down
- The freezer door handle
- The tongs for the loose salad and bakery items
- The self service checkout screen and gun
- Fuel pump
Its unlikely, but you could sanitise your hands every time these moments occur. This may lead to you:
- Run out of hand sanitiser
- Have a bad reaction to all the hand sanitiser you’ve been using -Hands becoming dry, cracked and irritated
Now a lot of people are choosing to utilise rubber/latex/vinyl gloves as additional protection. The problem with latex gloves is that they are designed for single use only and they are really hard to put on and take off. This makes it a big effort to change. So, if you need to answer your phone, or you’ve got an uncontrollable urge to scratch your face, you do so with the gloves on, therefore potentially transmitting the virus and causing infection.
With the EasyGrab 'Clean Hands' system, you can utilise the protection of a plastic glove when touching questionable surfaces and then return the glove to the magnetic dock, which can be attached to a pocket, belt or bag when you need to scratch your nose, answer your phone or use your hand normally. It really is that simple. And if you don’t believe us, watch this!
Finally, if you didn’t think it could get any better, our gloves are 100% recyclable so not only are you protecting yourself and reducing the chance of contracting the virus, you are also doing your bit to protect the environment. When you’ve finished with your glove, simply take out the wristband and pop the glove in the recycling bin. We would recommend changing and discarding the glove every time you complete your shopping trip.
Probably the best way to start would be to order one of our multi use starter kits. This contains a portable magnetic docking unit (featured in the video above), which can fit into a belt or pocket, a magnetic wristband and 100 gloves of your choice – either the mitten or finger. This will keep you going for ages.

If you’re confused about which glove will suit you best, then please visit our FAQs page. or simply send us an email at
Stay safe everyone.